Leaders Academy is a nine-month internship designed to help young leaders establish a deep and authentic relationship with God. Knowing God and putting Him first is the key to creating a successful and fulfilling life. Creating moments of worship to experience the Lord’s Presence is a big part of LA!
A challenging and captivating academic life coupled with real hands-on ministry internship will enable this generation to develop and discover their God-given talents and gifts. Applied Life Leaders Academy doesn’t just keep teaching in the classroom, but provides this generation the opportunity to “experience” what is being learned, rather than merely contemplate it.
Leaders Academy is very intentional in connecting interns with godly, knowledgeable, caring mentors. Interns are given the rare opportunity to “do life” with the leadership at LA. We believe that knowledge is “caught” rather than “taught”, so we endeavor to disciple every intern on an individual basis.

This course teaches the practical application of Christian doctrines and their purpose in daily living. Far too many Christians today do not know the fundamental doctrines of their faith and as a result, have no depth in their spiritual walk with God. Topics include the following: knowing the will of God, the attributes of God, the deity of Christ, the Trinity, the work of the Holy Spirit, salvation of man, water baptism, heaven, hell, gifts of the spirit and more. This course is vital as it gives the intern a deep, concise, solid foundation for their faith.

(Men and Women taught separately) Men: This course is designed to give young men practical knowledge of electricity, carpentry, plumbing, small engines, auto mechanics and much more. It enables the intern to do his own home repair work, without the expensive aid of professionals. Women: This course is designed to give young women hands-on experience in buying and preparing meals, entertaining, decorating and all the general needs of managing a home. This course is a must for everyone.

(Men and Women taught separately) Men’s Basics: This course instructs men in hygiene, etiquette and protocol with the opposite sex. It also covers their Biblical roles as protector, provider, and guide. Women’s Basics: This course gives young women a vision for becoming a Proverbs 31 woman. In this course we discuss what Biblical femininity looks like. Interns will be given insight for how to live free and healed, how to have healthy relationships and create a thriving home. With a blend of spiritual and practical topics, we will cover the importance of taking care of our bodies both inside and out with good diet, exercise, skin care and clothing. Topics such as etiquette, traditions, gardening and other important life skills will be discussed.

This course teaches the godly design of the family through understanding the role of the man, woman and child within the family unit. It deals with relationships between the wife, husband, parents and children, extensively discussing methods of child discipline, as well as important marital issues. Students learn by example through the godly pattern lived out in front of them by staff families. Interns will get a vision for a godly home as a result of this course.

Whether it’s making a move, trying something new, picking a college, starting a business, or making the commitment of marriage; nothing happens without leadership. Introduction to Leadership is structured to increase each intern’s ability to lead himself or herself, others, and the nation. Through interactive teaching, training, and discussion, this course will develop each intern’s ability to influence their generation for Christ.

This course will continue the process of developing leadership by showing the interns that the most effective way to lead is by modeling, molding, and mentoring. Interns will learn the art of being productive, reproducing their gifts in others, and delegation. This course will cause interns to evaluate who they are and what effect they are having on people. It will also motivate them to be someone who makes a difference.

This course is a study of Paul’s letter to the Romans. It covers Paul’s foundational teachings of the Gospel of Jesus including mankind’s moral guilt before God, justification by faith, sanctification through union with Christ and Christian life and service. Romans is by far one of the most important of Paul’s teachings in the NT. Romans give a clear explanation of salvation. This course makes clear the plan of salvation for mankind.

This course equips the intern with reasons for his faith in accordance with I Peter 3:15 which says, “Always be ready to give reason of the hope that is in you.” Apologetics analyzes the reliability of the New and Old Testament’s, messianic and historical prophecies, the resurrection and how recent archaeological discoveries have shown the Bible to be a historically accurate and reliable work of antiquity. This course also tackles the tough questions raised by critics.

Sadly, the OT is the least read of the Bible. This course examines the Old Testament in light of God’s plan of redemption. It also reveals God’s character through the Pentateuch and the writings of the Prophets. Interns learn about redemption, atonement, salvation and more. Developing an understanding of the O.T. makes the N.T. come alive. Special attention is given to see how God’s Word is applicable for today. The Old Testament comes alive in this intern picked favorite course.

This course surveys the 27 books of the New Testament by first looking at the 4 Gospels and how they reveal Jesus as King, Servant, Man, and God. Books are analyzed in the Eschatological, Soteriological, Christological and Ecclesiological categories and special attention is given to see how God’s Word is applicable for today. The New Testament comes alive in this intern picked favorite course.

In this class interns will be taught the value of prayer. Learning how to connect with God, hear His voice, intercede, praying in faith, standing on the promises of God’s Word, the power of agreement, and more is taught in this class. Interns won’t just be taught, but will experience the power prayer for themselves. We believe no Christian is more powerful than his/her prayer life, therefore prayer is essential!

This course encourages leadership abilities and develops individual potential. By looking into the life of Joseph, leaders learn to observe their habits (good and bad), organizational skills, words they say, financial decisions, mental patterns, and learn time management. Many people want to live a successful and fulfilling life, but lack the skills and discipline to attain it. This course is all about learning to walk in wisdom and apply the Word daily in every situation.

This course is designed to develop and encourage reading. One of the most powerful things you can do in life is read. In this course interns are assigned different books to read throughout the year. Books are broken down into chapters and chapters are discussed in a round table atmosphere. This is a favorite of interns because it involves a lot of interaction and discussion.

This course teaches interns about the purpose of money and how to handle it. Some of the different topics discussed are; how to balance a checkbook, credit cards, investing, saving, tithing, purchasing a vehicle and more. Interns will develop an understanding of being good stewards over their finances and will learn how to receive God’s blessings on their money by way of wisdom and obedience.

This course is focused on teaching healthy communication by the use of proven skills, tools, and techniques. Interns will how to examine their daily experience and reactions to discover the scope, sequence, and intensity of their feelings. They will also learn how to deal more constructively with anger, how to use “I” language, and avoid defensiveness. The use of healthy communication skills enables anyone to switch from staying stuck in the “story” to solving the situation.

This course is focused on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was and is the most powerful, life-changing figure in the history of the world. Interns will examine the life and teachings of Jesus. They will get to experience what it was like for the early disciples and be challenged in their own personal relationship with Jesus. This course is designed to connect the hearts of interns with the Son of God.

Paul and Angela Kern
Josh and Sarah Barnett
Jim and Susan Birmingham
Lukas and Dylan Vaughn
Worship Leader/Instructors
Natalie Marquez
Media Director/Track Leader
Paul and Tiffany Taucher
Kids Leaders/Instructors
Hunter and Chloe Cook
Youth Leaders/Instructors
Abigail Gorden
Residence AssistantOUR TRACKS

Leaders Academy gives interns an opportunity to get involved and learn from experience. Interns develop their God-given talents and abilities as they minister daily in their specific Track.

Kids Track will place interns right in the heart of working with children and is a must for those who love kids and want to be an influence in their lives. Our children’s pastors are Paul and Tiffany Taucher.

The Worship Track is designed to develop interns who possess gifting for worship. Our worship leaders are extremely gifted and interns will get to work alongside them daily. Our main worship leader is Lukas Vaughn.

Hunter and Chloe Cook, our Youth Pastors, work alongside interns and gives them a real opportunity to be trained and grow. This track is for anyone interested in youth ministry.

Media Track teaches video editing, desktop publishing, audio podcast creation, soundboard technitioning, and worship software presentation. Interns are trained in building videos for ministry, social media and ministry audio podcasts. Our media track leaders is Natalie Marquez.
The cost is $6000.00, which covers the following:
- Dorm Room: This covers your room during your 9-month stay.
- Books: This covers all books during the 9 months stay.
- Travel Expenses: (Leaders Academy weekend outing. This covers lodging, food, and travel cost)
- Dorm Fee: This covers the upkeep and maintenance of the dorm room during your nine months and for cleaning and restoration after you leave.
- Internet Fee: This provides 24-hour internet during the interns’ entire 9 months stay.
- This does not include the cost of meals, laundry, incidentals, and personal spending money (We recommend interns budget between $300-$400 per month for meals, laundry, incidentals, and personal spending money.)
While interns are not allowed to hold a job during their time at LA, we understand the financial challenges, and offer various opportunities within our church community to earn extra money. You’ll be part of a supportive community that cares about your well-being.
There are 3 options for payment:
- Make the one-time payment of $6000.00, due on August 1st.
- Make two payments of $3000.00 each, the first due on August 1st and the second due on December 1st.
- Make monthly payments of $650.00, beginning August 1st, with payments on the 1st of each month for 10 months for a total of $6500.00. (The monthly payments option cost $500 more overall)
- You cannot attend Leaders Academy if you are married but can attend if you are in a pre-existing relationship. However, you cannot pursue new relationships while in the internship to ensure your focus is geared towards spiritual growth and personal betterment.
- Our dorms are located on campus. The guys and girls are separated into a “guys hall & girls hall” by a kitchen and common area. You will share a dorm room with a roommate that is carefully considered and prayed over. Each hall has two communal bathrooms you will share with ~5 or more people. Each bathroom has three showers, three bathroom stalls, and a large vanity with 3 sinks.
- The only “homework” you will have are reading assignments, including Old Testament, New Testament, and Life Application books. Leaders Academy was formerly a two-year Bible college condensed into a nine-month internship. With this shift, we did away with tests and reports to ensure we could cover as much of the material as possible at a much quicker pace. This means classes include rigorous note-taking, but there is no official homework apart from reading.
- Because Leaders Academy is a non-profit organization, we do not offer scholarships or financial aid. All interns need to have the ability to pay tuition and weekly living expenses apart from any type of work during their time at LA. Interns are allowed to work odd jobs provided by families and businesses that attend Christian Ministries Church, and this can help pay for groceries and other items needed during the week.
- Interns are one of our staff’s greatest priorities throughout the year, and all are intentional about connecting with and pouring into interns’ lives. Not only is mentorship available through classes and within interns’ respective tracks, but our staff is always willing to meet with and further disciple interns who are intentional about seeking it out.
AGES 18-25
Online Submission
- Submit the online application form accessible through the link below
- You will be asked to submit a high school transcript(s)/GED copy, and biographical essay. You can upload scanned copies during the application process or send by mail.
- Mail any transcript(s)/GED copy, and biographical essay in one packet to:
Applied Life Leaders Academy
548 Brookhill Ranch Road
Hot Springs, Arkansas 71909
- We will contact you to let you know we have received your application, and to arrange an interview in person or by phone.
- We will generally notify you of your acceptance or denial within two weeks of your interview.
- Applicants are not accepted to Applied Life Leaders Academy program until they have received an official notification of acceptance from the Applied Life Admissions Office.
- Accepted interns will receive further instructions by email from Leaders Academy.
If you have any questions about your application procedure, please call or email us.
Phone: 501-624-1952
email: admissions@appliedlife.com
PDF copies of the Character Reference or Minister’s Recommendation forms are available below for you to download and print:
LA Character Reference
LA Minister’s Recommendation